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Adding Organizations

An Organization is an internal or external group that will use your facility for an event. Administrators and sometimes both Site Administrators roles have the ability to add organizations to the account.


       Bright Idea:

How you list your organization is based on your reporting needs. To make your list easier to manage, we recommend you start with a simpler list and attempt to group your Organizations where possible. For example, if you have several Boy Scout Troops that use your facilities, tracking these as a single Organization called "Boy Scouts" will make your setup, reporting, and tracking much easier. If you have questions about how to set up your Organization list, contact the Client Service Center at 1-877-655-DUDE (3833).

How to Add an Organization

  • Click on the Add link in the Actions Menu at the top of the page.
  • Click on the Organizations link.


There are 6 screens that you can utilize when adding an Organization. You only need to document information on the first screen in order to save an Organization to your account. Once the organization has been saved, you can use the links to skip to different screens. Click Next at the bottom of each screen to go to the next step.


Organization Information

  • Organization Name and Address are required fields. Invoice Type and Payment Type will already have default selections made that you can change as needed.
  • Do Not Rent: If this box is checked and a reason is indicated in the Reason box, a pop-up window will display the "Do Not Rent" reason when the organization is selected on a schedule.
  • Organization Type: This is a way to group or categorize an organization. The type is usually defined when you establish a fee schedule (Profit, Non-profit, Group 1, Group 2).
    • Click Add New Organization Type to add a new type to the Organization Type drop down menu. *Note: It is very important to associate the correct type with the organization if you intend to use Fee Tables for invoicing.
  • FEIN (Federal Tax ID), Sales Tax Exception No., and Notes are optional.


  • You can document the Company that supplies the insurance, Policy Number, Coverage, and Coverage Date range. *Note: Facility Schedule will indicate when the insurance has expired according to the coverage end date. You will see this not only on a schedule request form, but also on the right side of the home page.


  • The Department screen is used to document the department with which an organization is associated (Accounting, Human Resources). This information does not appear anywhere else in Facility Schedule and is used for documentation only on this screen.
  • Click Save to add the Department. It will display the information at the bottom of this screen.

Web Site URLs

  • The Web Site URLs screen is used to document the web site information that is associated with an Organization.  This information does not appear anywhere else in Facility Schedule and is used for documentation only on this screen.
  • Click Save to add the web site. It will display the information at the bottom of the screen.


  • You can associate as many Contacts to the organization as you'd like. The only required fields on this screen are First Name and Last Name, but we recommend including contact email addresses and phone numbers as well.
  • Click Save to add the contact. It will display the information at the bottom of the screen. You can then follow the same steps to add additional Contacts.


       Bright Idea:

We recommend adding contacts to your organization whenever possible. When an organization is selected on the schedule request form, there will be a Contact Name drop down menu which will display the contacts that have been added in this section. If you click on a name, the information for that contact will automatically populate (name, phone number(s), email address, etc.).


  • The Notes screen can be used to add any additional information that you would need to record about an Organization. Multiple notes can be added by typing the note in the box, clicking Save, then repeating the process.